What You Need To Know About Bail Hearings
When you are arrested for a crime and have the opportunity to bond out of jail, you will have to go to court for a bail hearing. This is an important process that you should fully understand before you go to court. The following are some things you need to know about bail hearings:
Bail Hearings Defined
A bail hearing is a time when a judge listens to the details about the crime committed and your subsequent arrest. The judge will decide if you should be allowed to leave jail on bond. The judge will determine whether or not you could be a flight risk. He or she will also base the decision on how severe your crime was, as well as your criminal history.
What Happens if You Can Make Bail
If you are granted bail, you need to have a way to pay for it. You can make the payment yourself, have a family member or friend pay, or you can use a bail bond service to pay your bond. If you choose to use a bail bondsman, you will need to pay some of your bail rather than the entire total.
What to Expect if You Leave Jail
Once you bond out of jail, you will have to stay in a certain location, even more specifically at a specific address. This is so law enforcement knows where you are at all times. You will have to check in regularly with law enforcement at different points between your bail and your criminal trial. If someone witnessed your crime, or if you have victims, you will be required to remain at a certain distance from them. If you violate any rules provided by the judge, he or she can order you to return to jail.
What to Know if Bail Is Denied
The judge can deny bail for your case. Many different considerations are made before this happens. If your crime was of an egregious nature, the judge can require you to stay in jail until your trial. Examples of these include rape, armed robbery, murder, and so on. Additionally, the judge can deny you bail if you have a long criminal history. Also, if you have a history of missing court dates or other important legal matters, the judge can order to you stay in jail so you are not absent from your required court dates. You need to work with a criminal attorney if you are denied bail to see if you have any other options.